Promote Your Content Like a Pro: The Magic 6 Approach 

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Promote Your Content Like a Pro: The Magic 6 Approach

Do you want massive traffic on your blog?

Of course! But I am sorry to say your dreams can not be a reality, As long as you just create only quality content. Don’t get me wrong. Indeed quality content is an essential power for a blog’s success but to get a quick victory you need to promote your content well. So that people know you and your work quickly.

Below is the Magic 6 strategy I use to promote my content, take a look.

6 Tools to Promote Content:

A properly promoted good content can quickly come to be great content. And these 6 tools know the fact the finest. These tools are incredible on its own and highly recommended to use, to promote your content.

  1. Sumome: Sumome is a suite of small but sharp tools that can quickly power up your blog. The ‘share app’ add-on in this tool list integrate beautiful social sharing button on anyplace in your blog, serving your visitors to share your content quickly & promote it with a single click.
  1. Buzzbundle: Buzzbundle is another extraordinary tool that you can us to vastly grow your content’s presence on the web. What it does is, it gathers all the discussions and threads from the major social medias, forums, blog posts, and other places on the web, around your given keywords. And place it in a single window. So you don’t need to trip through sites to find and join in discussions to promote your content. It’s a revolutionary tool that helps thousands of people to reach millions of readers.
  1. Sniply: You post scores of links on social media and share with your fans, wouldn’t it be great if there is a touch of your site on every link you share so that readers can reach your website from that link, easily?  Sniply is the solution; it adds a call to action button on every link you share so that audience can discover your site/blog through that link. It’s a distinctive way to engage your followers with your content.
  1. Buzzsumo: Buzzsumo helps you to identify the content that is trending on the web. It not only helps you to find the amount of share the content achieved but what is more, it also lets you identify those persons individually who shared the content so that you can connect with them and boost your list with active and niche based followers. Remember, only those people will share your content who shared this type of piece before. And this the best place to find them all.


  1. Tweriod: If you spent hundreds of hours on Twitter to promote your content, but unfortunately, you only got two likes and one share, then that doesn’t mean your content is not shared worthy, rather the problem can be the timing. Your sharing time is not cooperating with your follower’s timing.

Tweriod helps you to identify the best time to post on Twitter while most of the audiences are online, and you will return with a great impact on your content.

For Goggle Plus Timing+

  1. Forums: Though it’s less of a tool and more a service, but the most underrated but useful one for promoting your content. Forums are always excited with active members who are conversing on your topic. Just find a discussion about your niche and post your content URL there. That it, a huge traffic overnight.

Vine it to win it (6 seconds key)

Vine is an application launched by Twitter in January 2014. It is, it’s simplicity and engagement-appeal which made Twitter a strong platform for networking. It exclusivity lets you create & upload 6 seconds looping video and share it with the whole world.

Vine content promtion

And when something tense to the whole world, we know it a great place to market our content. Vine lets you promote your blog articles by turning them into an exciting 6 seconds short video. Vine has over 40 million users registered, and more than 100 million users are watching Vine videos every month. Well, that’s a huge amount of audiences to showcase your post trailer.

But don’t worry you do not need to reach 40 million people to promote your article, that will be impossible, reach just 1%; that is more than enough to viral your content. Just create an interesting but short(6s) teaser of your blog post, explaining what’s the focus of your post and what great you can offer to encourage audience’s attention and just share that video. Then see the magic of Vine.

Tips: Throw a question at the end of the video, like: Want to know more? Alternatively, what to see what great things are waiting for you?  

The 60 seconds Youtube:

Everyone knows YouTube; everyone uses it for promotion, but the funniest thing is, you don’t need to create a 10 minutes’ post-study to promote your content. It’s annoying and also time-consuming for you and your readers as well. You’re just promoting it, make it short and attractive. A 60 seconds trailer is just perfect to display the people what you have and what additional will they get on your site.

Similar with vine YouTube also can bring you a huge amount of traffic to your blog from your videos. Don’t forget YouTube is a god of viral videos; it’s takes just seconds to YouTube for a video to go viral, jut Be active on the channel and discuss other videos, make people curious about your content and go viral.

The 6-page Pdf:

Another great method to promote your blog posts is to turn it into pdf files. Nowadays Sharing blog post pdfs, become a great trend to promote contents. Just turn your blog posts into pdf (Minimum 6 pages, rather it will not consider as worthy) and distribute it on pdf or document sharing sites like Docstoc, Scribd, DocDroid. But remember to Optimize the descriptions on these sites, so that you can get a link back to you.

Skillful Social Networking:

Last but not the least, is social networking sites, these social networking sites can help you a lot to promote your content and as well as grow your traffic rapidly.

  1. Scoop.It: from, you can create and publish curated content with original content and can quickly build your online presence. It’s a great place to do promotion and get some traffic, and moreover, you can get some backlinks from there. Great right?
  1. Blog communities: communities like Blogengage, Bizsugar lets you publish your article in front of their reputed audience to see it. These communities can give you a significant amount of readers if you have an exceptional content to share with them.
  1. Stumbleupon: Another, my favorite website for promoting my content is Stumbleupon. It’s a huge community of stumblers. The hidden secret to success in StumbleUpon is to have great content. This website can leave you a huge amount of organic audiences.

The best way to getting stumbled is to embed a StumbleUpon badge in your every post; that will let your readers stumble your page easily.

  1. Medium: You can use Medium to repurpose your content. Use proper tag & don’t forget to use canonical tag for avoiding duplicate content penalty.
  1. is known as a QA site, but you can also submit your articles there to promote it. is a website, that doing this job quite well. Remember it’s an exchange rule site, you need to involve in other’s discussion to get involvement in yours. Be active it this site to extract a good amount of traffic for your content from it.
  1. Reddit: Reddit names itself “The Front Page of the Internet,”. So you got an idea how powerful Reddit can be. A splendid place to share your content. It’s a community of millions, and appropriately use can quickly evaluate your content’s discoverability. However, you don’t just go there and post your article link and advertise it; it gets the mark as spam, and you may ban go from the site. You need to be consistently active there, Idea on others content, upvoting them, posting nonpromotional links, etc. I will say let Reddit know you for a month, then start to post your website link for promotion.

Bottom Line:

“Without promotion something terrible happens….Nothing!” –

Creating good content will surely drive traffic to your blog, but if you want a rapid growth then only creating quality content is not enough. You need to promote your content properly to get discovered by the web. So, grab your patience and strat to promote your content.

Happy Promoting!

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برچسب : promote your content,promote your content with structured data markup,how to promote your content online,how to promote your content on reddit,how to effectively promote your content,best ways to promote your content,promote your digital content, نویسنده : استخدام کار feedall بازدید : 458 تاريخ : يکشنبه 31 مرداد 1395 ساعت: 5:26