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6 Proven Tips For Becoming A Morning Person

  • “Good Moing” –  a greeting that is dished out several times during the day. For some people, moing is at 6AM, for somebody else, it’s at 11AM. One of the most famous early risers is Apple’s CEO Tim Cook. Tim Cook wakes up at 4:30 AM. He’s done with almost an entire day’s work by 12PM. You might have read posts like this one suggesting that waking up early has a lot of benefits. That’s because it does. So what are these benefits? Waking up early gives you: An early start on getting work done. A quieter time; the house/the city is quiet and peaceful. Your mind is the most clear in the moing and primed for handling the toughest tasks. So how do you become a moing person? 1. Prepare for the next day By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.  – Benjamin Franklin This is such an under-appreciated thing. We all prepare for meetings, exams, events, and so on. What we don’t do is, take it to the next level. If you prepare for tomorrow, you get a clean ,6 proven tips to avoid breast sagging,6 proven tips for series 6 success ...ادامه مطلب

  • SendinBlue WordPress Plugin Review – Email Marketing and Easy Marketing Automation

  • Imagine if you could send an email to users based on the exact actions they take. What if you could automatically email anyone who visited a specific page or clicked on a certain button? That would be pretty cool, right? With SendinBlue’s WordPress plugin, you can do just that. Without needing to know any code or set up detailed tracking. It’s a really nice tool. SendinBlue also functions as a complete email marketing service, letting you build subscriber lists and create beautiful email campaigns. Why should you care about all that? Because email marketing is important. I think all smart bloggers need to take advantage of email. That’s why I’m sharing about SendinBlue with you. You can create a full email campaigns from inside your WordPress site. Let’s check it out. SendinBlue WordPress Plugin Features: Create subscription forms to build your email list and customize their style with CSS. Manage subscriber lists from inside your WordPress dashboard. Design emails and create,sendinblue wordpress plugin ...ادامه مطلب

  • How To Make A Content Marketing Strategy That Works!

  • As a website owner, ideal content creation and content sharing is an important aspect of making your services effectively speak to your audience. A content marketing strategy involves many phases through which the right content is drafted and shared cleverly enough to its most relevant audience so as to increase sales. 1. Begin with an understanding of the right content and its importance to your business Whether you are an owner of a service website or an eCommerce store,content has a lot to do with your business growth. One has to create content in many forms (including rich texts and graphics). Content is like a bridge that can connect your audience to what you sell. Content that is written uniquely, effectively, and professionally can definitely work. At the same time, the content must also consider a reader’s intent. 2. Recognize intent Before the content is made, you must identify who you are writing for and why. Knowing what online users are searching for and why they are ,how to make slime,how to make money,how to make french toast,how to make buttermilk,how to make a resume,how to make money online,how to make pancakes,how to make jello shots,how to make ice cream,how to make money fast ...ادامه مطلب

  • Clk.im WordPress Plugin: Monetize Your Website Like Forbes

  • The Clk.im Integrator monetization plugin is perfect for WordPress publishers looking to make money with their site.  Many WordPress monetization plugins have limited functionality, which can be fatal for your monetization efforts. With Clk.im, the versatility of your ad serving goes to a whole new level. (The full functionality of the plugin is unlocked when you sign up for an “Expert” account.) In this article, we’ll go into greater depth of using these features to maximize the monetization potential of your WordPress site. We’ll also cover how you can create trackable shortened links for your entire site. These links will allow you to launch: Top-bar HTML ads Full-page interstitial ads Pop-under ads These will launch whenever someone clicks a link on your site (even if it leads to an exteal domain which you don’t own). The ad customization features are extraordinary, allowing you to easily launch targeted campaigns based on: Geography Device type Date range …and mor, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How To Create A Checklist In PDF Format For Content Upgrades

  • Checklists are essential for getting things done (especially for repeated tasks). A few weeks back, Kishen shared about the Process Street checklist app & this is where the idea to add a checklist for our premium members came into my mind. We started creating checklists for our premium content at  pro.shoutmeloud.com so that our members can keep track of tasks when leaing about making money from their blog. The checklist can also be used as a content upgrade & I’m sure you have heard about the importance of content upgrades for list building. Content upgrades can perform magic for your list building efforts, and you may now be considering joining the bandwagon and creating your own content upgrades so you won’t be left out. Content upgrades can boost the size of your email list, but if you mistakenly create the wrong one, it will amount to nothing. Among all the different types of content upgrades on the inteet, checklists have been the most popular and most wide,how to create an app,how to create a website,how to create a pokestop,how to create a resume,how to create a blog,how to create a logo,how to create a youtube channel,how to create a zip file,how to create a gmail account,how to create an apple id ...ادامه مطلب

  • The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to Get More Views on Medium

  • Out of all the umpteen social channels out there, one stands out for its simplicity: Medium was created to be a simple form of expression and displayer of content. The interface is minimal and lets the user focus on either writing or reading. There isn’t a platform like Medium elsewhere on the inteet because all other platforms are constantly looking to add more and more features. Medium seems to be content with its limited set of features. This is good. This is good for the reader, for the creator, and for the community as a whole. What Medium is doing to written content is akin to what Penicillin is doing to humanity: Keeping it alive. So why is the Medium blogging platform important for you? Medium takes away distractions. The content is curated and the writers Medium attracts are of the highest quality. The focus of Medium is to keep content strong. Now, unlike the Facebook world where people can blatantly rip off video ideas and other memes, it’s hard to rip off original wr,the ultimate guide to the presidents,the ultimate guide to travel hacking,the ultimate guide,the ultimate guide to sat grammar,the ultimate guide to greater glutes,the ultimate guide to travel hacking pdf,the ultimate guide to choosing a medical specialty,the ultimate guide to pokemon go,the ultimate guide to dropshipping,the ultimate guide to minecraft ...ادامه مطلب

  • How To Write TOP Content If You’re Not A Native English Speaker

  • I’m not a native English speaker and here’s my confession: I’m a trained translator with a degree in my pocket. I speak English fairly well, but I never thought I would ever create content on my own.  When I got to the English-speaking world of content marketing, I was lost, frustrated, and paralyzed with insecurity. I strongly doubted if I could ever enter a league of those smart guys who create killer content. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if I could write anything high-quality at all. If you’ve ever been in my shoes, this article is for you. I’m going to share the tips and tricks that have worked (and still work) for me. To begin with, there are only two points you need to consider when writing content. The first: Most likely, you will never be able to speak, think, or write like a native speaker. Being fluent isn’t all about vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and all ,how to write a check,how to write a cover letter,how to write a resume,how to write a letter,how to write a song,how to write a book,how to write an essay,how to write a business plan,how to write an abstract,how to write a poem ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to Build a Personal Brand (and Why You Need One)

  • A couple of years ago, social media sites were a great source of entertainment and a means of connecting with friends. In recent years, however, social media has become a haven for marketing, sales, and networking (i.e. making connections with like-minded people). If your work is in any way related to digital marketing, your presence on social media sites is a necessity. In a previous post, I wrote about the social media sites on which an online marketer should have a presence. Today I will be sharing tips that will help you to improve your personal brand on these sites. One of the most common statements I hear from fellow bloggers or young entrepreneurs is: “I want my brand to be visible… not me”. In other words, they want to enhance their company’s visibility rather than their own personal visibility. Here is my take on that idea: You are your company.  If you are,how to build a deck,how to build credit,how to build a house,how to build muscle,how to build a shed,how to build a computer,how to build a fire pit,how to build a website,how to build a retaining wall,how to build a resume ...ادامه مطلب

  • How To Build An Email List Without A Website

  • You don’t always need a website to build an email list (and make money from it). But trust me, if you have a website, you stand a much better chance at building one. You may have heard of the saying: “The Money Is In The List”. That is because the money really is in the list. Email marketing provides a way for you to reach your audience right in their inbox, unlike a blog post where people have to take the time to visit your blog before getting access to whatever you have to offer. An email list is so valuable that some inteet marketers refer to it as an ATM. But from a newbie’s point of view, the whole process of setting up a website just to generate email leads might seem like setting up a torpedo missile for launch. So here’s the question:  How do you give directions to your email sign-up form if you don’t have a website? Don’t worry, you can build an email list with,how to build an email list without a website ...ادامه مطلب

  • Promote Your Content Like a Pro: The Magic 6 Approach 

  • Do you want massive traffic on your blog? Of course! But I am sorry to say your dreams can not be a reality, As long as you just create only quality content. Don’t get me wrong. Indeed quality content is an essential power for a blog’s success but to get a quick victory you need to promote your content well. So that people know you and your work quickly. Below is the Magic 6 strategy I use to promote my content, take a look. 6 Tools to Promote Content: A properly promoted good content can quickly come to be great content. And these 6 tools know the fact the finest. These tools are incredible on its own and highly recommended to use, to promote your content. Sumome: Sumome is a suite of small but sharp tools that can quickly power up your blog. The ‘share app’ add-on in this tool list integrate beautiful social sharing button on anyplace in your blog, serving your visitors to s,promote your content,promote your content with structured data markup,how to promote your content online,how to promote your content on reddit,how to effectively promote your content,best ways to promote your content,promote your digital content ...ادامه مطلب

  • Changing Domain Names? Learn How To Tell Google About Site Address Change

  • Do you know you can change your domain name without losing search traffic? Yes, it’s possible. But once you have changed your web address, you need to do some post-site address change things to ensure you don’t lose organic traffic. If you don’t tell Google about this change of address, you might be putting your site’s organic ranking into danger. Let me help you with fixing this potentially big error. (In the below example, I have placed a URL change request using the Google Search Console. The process is the same for anyone needing to change their domain.) Let me first give you a background of why I had to change the URL of one of my popular niche blogs. If you are a regular reader of ShoutMeLoud, you might be aware of our niche WordPress blog. The name used to be WPFreesetup & lately, I realized the name of the blog could be better. When I started WPFreesetup back in 201,changing domain names seo,change domain nameservers,change domain names wordpress,switch domain names,changing domain name godaddy,changing domain name active directory,changing domain name windows server 2008,changing domain name server,changing domain name server 2012,changing domain name registrar ...ادامه مطلب

  • 7 Creative Ways To Dramatically Increase Your Engagement on Twitter

  • Promoting your website is as important as designing it. After all of your developing efforts are done, you need to attract an audience towards your website and its services. Branding through social media is considered as the best way for redirecting a relevant crowd to a website. Twitter, specifically, is a great means of advertisement and brand promotion. Tweeting is an incredible way to get in touch with your customers. But here’s the major challenge of marketing: Creativity Grab the opportunity to promote your websites through Twitter with these 7 creative ways! 7 Creative ways to dramatically increase your Twitter engagement: 1. Insert Links Into Your Tweets   Who says social media marketing is not an effective strategy? On average, tweets with links generate about 86% more re-tweets. This is because link insertions elevate reader interaction. When 36% of tweets are made with lin, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to Fix Mixed Content Error in WordPress After Adding SSL Certificate

  • The whole world is moving their websites from HTTP to HTTPS! Why? Because it makes their sites secure & rumor has it that search engines favor websites using the “https” protocol. Sooner or later, you will be moving your site to HTTPS. But before you do, you need to consider a few factors in order to make a successful migration from HTTP to HTTPS. In this article (& in upcoming articles), I will cover migration techniques for different scenarios. Here’s our first scenario: The site is hosted on a Nginx server. DNS is managed by CloudFlare. SSL certificate by Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt + Nginx + CloudFlare : Scenario 1 In this case, my hosting people configured a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. However, one big downside of using Let’s Encrypt is the certificate expires in 90 days. So after every 90 days, you or your hosting people need to renew the cer, ...ادامه مطلب

  • “Please, Come Back”! How to Return Clients To Your Website

  • Customer funnels are things every marketer knows about. Specific to each project, they help to understand how visitors tu into clients, and if visitors leave before then, precisely when and why they leave. Every stage of a customer funnel lets you catch a client and retu them to the website. Understanding why they leave and retargeting them accordingly, you can build trust and push up your sales. It’s like trying to restore a lost happiness. Retargeting your customers reminds them of stories from romantic films where everyone lives “happily ever after”. Let’s explore this film and marketing relationship. “50 First Dates”: Clients visit your website 50 First Dates is a movie where a girl has short-term memory loss and every day, she forgets the guy she’s dating. He has to re-introduce himself every day and make her fall in love with him again/prove they were once a co,please come back mister,please come back to me,please come back meme,please come back mister ep 1,please come back mister ost,please come back gif,please come back home,please come back mister ending,please come back mister dramabeans,please come back home lyrics ...ادامه مطلب

  • Drizzle Review – Forget Ad-Blocker, Make Money With Paywalls

  • When a blogger starts looking for the option to make money from their blog, the first recommendations are usually AdSense, Adsoptimal,  CPM ads & other similar ad networks. This kind of monetization used to work well… until last year. In recent times, with the increasing adoption of ad blocker tools, using a contextual ad network is no longer an ideal choice. Many bloggers have already moved to other monetization methods such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing & putting their content behind a paywall. Most webmasters, when they think of a paywall, think about requiring readers to buy a monthly subscription in exchange for access to all of the website’s content. They are not wrong, but we also have another system in place which can add a substantial amount of income for your blog’s revenue. Micropayments as low as 25 cents per piece. Instead of charging for ,drizzle review,drizzle ecr review,drizzle book review,drizzle pizza reviews,oakley drizzle review,drizzle melts reviews,drizzle database review,drizzlepath review,kali drizzle review,drizzle chennai reviews ...ادامه مطلب

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