“Please, Come Back”! How to Return Clients To Your Website

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Return Clients To Website

Customer funnels are things every marketer knows about.

Specific to each project, they help to understand how visitors turn into clients, and if visitors leave before then, precisely when and why they leave.

Every stage of a customer funnel lets you catch a client and return them to the website.

Understanding why they leave and retargeting them accordingly, you can build trust and push up your sales.

It’s like trying to restore a lost happiness.

Retargeting your customers reminds them of stories from romantic films where everyone lives “happily ever after”.

Let’s explore this film and marketing relationship.

“50 First Dates”: Clients visit your website

50 First Dates is a movie where a girl has short-term memory loss and every day, she forgets the guy she’s dating. He has to re-introduce himself every day and make her fall in love with him again/prove they were once a couple. At the end of the movie, we see their two kids and everyone is happy and smiling.

The first stage of a customer funnel supposes a lead is examining several websites before making a final choice.

A lot of websites.

The lead gathers tons of information, and chances are high that they will not choose you.

  • Risk: A client can’t remember where they saw the most suitable products or services.

At this stage, retargeting works best for brand awareness and company growth.

Direct advertising is the best strategy here:

  • Use powerful messages.
  • Demonstrate attractive features.
  • Demonstrate benefits of your product/service.

Case Study

  • Niche: Interior design.
  • Statistics: 3,000 visitors a day. Loyalty, but no conversions.

Visitors weren’t getting enough information to make a final decision.

Later, they couldn’t remember where they saw the info, and they couldn’t identify the brand.

The team used retargeting by placing animated banners with interior scenes and describing the benefits of using their company.


  • Number of returned visitors increased by a factor of 9.
  • Number of orders increased by 17%.

“Seeta and Geeta”: Clients search and estimate your offer

Website visitors make a choice between several products.

They draw analogies, read reviews, and compare feedback to choose the best product or service. Eventually, they get into a mess and can’t remember what would be best for them.

  • Risk: A client can’t remember the bids they saw at your website.

Help them to see all of the advantages you have to offer.

At this stage, subsection advertising matters.

Let’s say you manage a sporting goods shop:

  • Specify visitors of particular subsections by dividing them into categories-
    • Sports
    • Health
    • Fitness
    • etc.

This sectioning will help transmit relevant messages.

Case Study

Niche: Home appliances.
Statistics: Visitors often use the “goods comparison” service, but don’t order anything.

The team used a retargeting algorithm which varied the transmission of those goods to a visitor, describing each one’s advantage.


  • 20% more visitors returned to the website and ordered the things they saw more frequently.
  • Conversion rate increased by 37.25%.

“Forrest Gump”: Clients choose your product

A visitor decides to purchase your product and adds it to their cart. You think you’ve finally caught them, but it’s just the start of your new marathon.

Run, Forrest, run!

  • Risk: A target customer adds items to their cart, but doesn’t come back to complete the order.

The number one tool here is a reminder. Let a client know they have left items in their cart and encourage them to conclude the transaction.

You can stimulate this client by offering a discount.

Case Study

  • Niche: Internet-based retailer.
  • Statistics: 4,000 visitors a day, most of whom add items to carts and leave the website.

What helped was a dynamic retargeting by demonstrating items from their carts and offering a 10% discount.

They used the hook:

  • “Only one left, buy now with a 10% discount!”


  • Visitors returned to the website and placed 20% more orders.
  • Conversion rate increased by 27%.

“Runaway Bride”: Clients place the order

A visitor decides to buy and starts placing the order, but suddenly leaves you “at the altar”.

This story is endless. Julia Roberts did it six times, and every time, no one could predict how she would do it. This is the same story with your clients; it’s hard to predict what will frighten them away.

  • Risk: The process of ordering gets interrupted for one reason or another.

A special offer, not publicly available, can solve the problem.

Case Study

  • Niche: Accessories.
  • Problem: Some visitors start placing the order, but drop the transaction when choosing payment.

Project managers used retargeting by demonstrating media images that announced “a closed sale.”

They led visitors to a landing page with a simplified order form.


  • Conversion rate of the simplified landing page exceeded the one of the main website by a factor of 12.

“P.S. I Love You”: Clients purchase your product

In P.S. I Love You, a young widow discovers that her husband has left her messages intent upon easing her pain and starting a new life. His love and care stayed with her even after he left.

Maintain relations with clients even after they’ve officially finished.

  • Risk: One-time collaboration.

Cross-selling will help here.

Case Study

  • Niche: Smartphones.
  • Statistics: A regular customer buys something bi-yearly. To narrow transaction intervals, marketers used retargeting.

A little while after purchasing smartphones, customers were offered discounts for mobile accessories.


  • Number of returned clients increased by 60%.


Romantic films are far from real life, but they make us believe in happy endings.

Marketers struggle for every client, and there are no unicorns to help them. However, marketers try their best to make their customers happy.

Retargeting is an efficient instrument that can spoil everything when used wrong.

But if used sagely, retargeting:

  • Ups the average check.
  • Improves brand awareness.
  • Turns visitors into customers.

Your new customers are now motivated to tell their friends about your business, bringing in more revenue, and creating more happy endings.

What kind of retargeting methods do you use? Tell me about them in the Idea below.

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