Installing a Free SSL and Payment Gateway on your WooCommerce Site

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If you’ve landed here, you’ve probably spent the time looking for all sorts of solutions to get Stripe to work on your website without an SSL or for multiple different free SSL solutions.

As a small business owner, I know paying for SSL or premium plugins can be stressful for start-ups with small budgets. 

I am happy to share our solution for a FREE SSL on your woo commerce website, with FREE functioning stripe payment gateway with- No Coding Needed.

Follow the five steps below and you will be running in no time! For our example, we have a running installation on so feel free to head over there and check it out before you get started.

Free SSL on Woocommerce

1. Install and activate all the following FREE plugins

2. Register and Set up a Stripe Account

Sign up for a free Stripe account here.

Once you have filled out everything from Stripe and your account is all set up your going to want to head to the top right coer of the screen click your account name and select account settings.

From there navigate to API keys in the modal window and save these keys for later.

How to get Stripe API Key

3. Link Stripe and WooCommerce

  • Head into your WordPress dashboard and find woo commerce > settings on the left-hand side.
  • From the nav bar on the top select checkout
  • Select Stripe from the checkout options
  • Enable Stripe and make sure you have the following fields filled out. Live Secret Key, Live Publishable Key, Capture: Capture card immediately enabled, Saved Cards: Enable payment via Saved Cards Enabled.
  • Hit Save

Woocommerce Stripe

4. Setup CloudFlare and CloudFlare Settings

Sign up for CloudFlare here and follow the setup procedure. (this will also make your site faster! YAY!) Once you have your CloudFlare setup follow the next steps to make sure it’s ready for your SSL. (note: the following work with my server setup and should work with yours, if you’re having trouble you may need to alter some settings)

  • Crypto Tab – Set the following options SSL: Flexible
  • Firewall Tab – Security Level: Medium
  • Speed Tab – Auto Minify: All Selected, Rocket Loader: Off (very important)
  • Caching Tab – Caching Level: Standard, Cache Expiration: 4 Hours, Always Online: On
  • Page Rules – See image… Make sure has SSL: Flexible, Rocket Loader Off
  • Network – Websockets: On, IP Geolocation: On
  • Scrape Shield – Email Address Obfuscation: On, Server-side Excludes: On.

Cloudflare Page rule

5. Set up CloudFlare WordPress Plugin

  • In your WordPress backend navigate to Settings > Cloudflare on the left-hand side bar.
  • Input your domain name as it is registered with Cloudflare,
  • Input your Cloudflare API Key (which can be found in Cloudflare under (top right) my settings > API KEY > Global API KEY
  • Your Cloudflare Email address.
  • Tu on HTTPS Protocol Rewriting



You should be all done. Your website should be able to take credit card payments over SSL + Stripe at no additional cost of plugins, or paying your host for an SSL.

Stripe Checkout

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